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Explore our current and ever growing selection of quality hand-picked premium domains

Get the domain and business name you need...fast!

We Are Social Entrepreneurs Supporting Native Bird Conservation

Get A Domain To Help Your Business Take Flight

Meaningful, Visual, Distinctive…Find that Business Name and Domain that Resonates with your Target Customer and Audience

You’re Protected – Transfer Guaranteed!

We provide a secure automated checkout experience directly through GoDaddy Auctions. BrandFalcon does not process or take your payment so you can be assured that both buyer and seller are protected through the entire process. This has multiple advantages for buyers, which includes safely holding your payment with GoDaddy until the entire domain sale transaction and transfer process is complete. That way you can be completely confident the domain you have chosen will be registered in your name.

You’re Protected – Transfer Guaranteed!

We provide a secure automated checkout experience directly through GoDaddy Auctions. BrandFalcon does not process or take your payment so you can be assured that both buyer and seller are protected through the entire process. This has multiple advantages for buyers, which includes safely holding your payment with GoDaddy until the entire domain sale transaction and transfer process is complete. That way you can be completely confident the domain you have chosen will be registered in your name.

Easy Way to Buy a Domain – Fixed Price, No Haggling

BrandFalcon wants to make buying your new business name of domain easy. After your purchase through GoDaddy Auctions, we move the domain name to your account. If you have a GoDaddy account, the process is usually completed automatically.

Don’t Settle – Get a Unique, Premium .com Domain Name

You need a memorable .com domain name that will rank on Google and draw attention and customers. BrandFalcon provides an affordable opportunity to buy a domain that can you’re your business, product or website to the next level.

Using Trusted Third-Party Companies to Complete Transactions

Shop Securely with Confidence

A New Domain in a Matter of Days

Purchased domains are typically moved into your account in 1-15 days. Since all of our domains are registered with GoDaddy and are purchased through GoDaddy Auctions, the entire process is generally fast, especially if you have or register an account with Godaddy (You can always transfer your new domain to any registrar later).

Paying for Your Premium Domain Name

Paying for your new domain depends on the price. Domains sold for $5,000 USD or less will be processed through GoDaddy Auctions and Transaction Assurance – you can pay via credit card or PayPal. If the domain sells for greater than $5,000 USD, GoDaddy may process the transaction through Escrow.com, an escrow service designed to protect you and your new domain name until it is successfully transferred to your account. In this case, payment must be made via wire transfer.